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Zu "Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse" wurden 5 Titel gefunden

Historical Thinking
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
Developing historical thinking is becoming an overarching goal of history education, at least on the declarative level. The concept is not new and has been developed for many years in various national and international contexts. However, its scope and contents, and especially the methods of transferring it onto everyday school practice still remain work in progress for they involve major re-structuring of traditional ways of teaching. In this case, modernizing history education is not about incorporating new technologies but rather about developing new approaches to any and all resources used in the classroom and issues discussed in the process of history education. Some of the papers in this issue of JHEC address the issues posed by the use of films, museums, writing, and the introduction of local and regional history in history education.Starting from this year, JHEC launches its new section devoted to book reviews. It discusses publications related to history didactics and all aspects of historical culture and history education in the past and present, published in the recent years in the English language. ** Mit der Bestellung eines Titels zur Fortsetzung erhalten Sie diesen Titel sowie alle künftigen Titel der entsprechenden Reihe direkt nach Erscheinen zugesandt. Ein weiterer Vorteil: Sie sparen rund 20 Prozent gegenüber der Einzelbestellung. Der Fortsetzungsbezug ist jederzeit kündbar - eine kurze Mitteilung an uns genügt!

17,99 € - 22,90 €
The Teaching of the History of One’s Own Country
International Experiences in a Comparative Perspective
The question concerning the importance of history teaching at school is closely linked to the one concerning the mediation of the history of one’s own country. Over the past few years discussions and debates about its meaning, content and functions have, however, increased. But the mediation of the history of one’s own country is a precarious undertaking. The volume presents theoretical considerations, empirical studies and practical case examples from a comparative and international perspective. In different states and school systems it becomes clear how the history of one’s own country or the nation is conveyed and against what political and social background this happens.

31,99 € - 39,90 €
Kolonialismus, Dekolonisierung, postkoloniale Perspektiven. Herausforderungen für die Didaktik der Geschichte und den Geschichtsunterricht im Kontext der Globalisierung
Yearbook 2014 of the International Society for History Didactics (ISHD), Board: S. Popp, A. Virta, O. Cardoso, M. Furrer, H. Haue, T. Haydn, Joanna Wojdon, editing manager of this issue: Ass. Prof. Dr. Joanna Wojdon, Uniwersytetu Wroclaw (Poland)
Die historische Auseinandersetzung mit Kolonialismus und kolonialer Vergangenheit, mit Entkolonialisierung und Postkolonialismustheorien birgt erhebliche Herausforderungen für die Geschichtsdidaktik und den Geschichtsunterricht weltweit. Das Jahrbuch2014 der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik vergleicht die je unterschiedlichen nationalen Perspektiven auf den Gegenstand. Die Bandbreite reicht dabei vom „traditionellen“ Kolonialreich Großbritannien, über Nachzügler in der Kolonialpolitik, wie Deutschland, Belgien und Dänemark, bis hin zu Ländern (fast) ohne koloniale Vergangenheit, wie Griechenland, Polen und der Tschechoslowakei. Berücksichtigt werden dabei sowohl theoretische, als auch praktische Aspekte der Darstellung von Kolonialismus und Dekolonisierung und die ihnen jeweils zugrundliegenden geschichtsdidaktischen Forschungsansätze. Zwar kann der Band kein abschließendes Modell des historischen Lehrens und Lernens von Kolonialismus und Postkolonialismus leisten, bietet dem Leser aber einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Ansätze – mit ihren Stärken und Schwächen – und insofern Orientierung in einem komplizierten historischen Feld. Nicht zuletzt verweisen die Beiträge stets auf das Bedingungsgefüge zwischen Geschichtsdidaktik, Geschichtsschreibung und Politik. Das Jahrbuch eröffnet damit neue Perspektiven  und Fragen und bildet damit einen Bezugspunkt für weitere geschichtsdidaktische Forschung zum Gegenstand.

26,80 €
Nostalgia in Historical Consciousness and Culture / Developing Creative Interactions of Local, National and Global Topics of History Education
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture (JHEC) is the Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics. Its 2016 issue focuses on two main themes: Nostalgia in historical consciousness and culture and Developing creative interactions of local, national, and global topics of history education. The articles in both sections focus both on the theoretical concepts and on practical issues from various countries and research perspectives. The Forum section comes back to the themes of the past issues: colonialism and decolonization was the main topic of the Yearbook of 2014, while edutainment was discussed in 2015. The presentation of the use of mainstream historical films in the history classroom closes the volume.

19,80 €
History and Edutainment
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The 2015 issue of the Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics appears under the new title: International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture (JHEC). Its leading theme is “History and Edutainment”, i.e. a combination of history education and entertainment. Starting from the ‘traditional’ educational media, such as books and periodicals, the authors move to museums, songs, board and video games, movies, television shows and finish with more general reflections on the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating edutainment into the practice of teaching history, for learners and for teachers. The volume can be regarded as a voice in a broader debate on the reaction of school education on edutainment, and more generally, on public history where entertainment is so popular. In the Varia section readers can find the second part of the text on colonisation and decolonisation as presented in Belgian history textbooks (part I was published in 2014) and a presentation of the book that analyses the results of the Bologna process.

19,80 €