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The leading theme of this year’s issue of the International Journal of Research in History Didactics, History Education and History Culture (JHEC) is history teacher education in the changing world. The picture of initial teacher training in the world is heterogeneous, the existing situation is seldom regarded as satisfactory and, thus, changes are introduced almost instantly. The articles either present existing models of history teachers’ education or focus on its possible evolution on the basis of empirical research of the teacher-trainees. In doing so they present various methodologies of such research. They prove that not only the way of getting the empirical data is important, but also the focus of the analysis of raw material, the questions asked and the model(s) of interpretation used. Regardless of the methods used, the research results show that prospective history teachers represent rather traditional approaches to the past and to teaching history and their vision of the past in many cases seems to be no different from mainstream collective memory (or mythology). It opens broad perspectives for history didactics as an academic discipline.

** Mit der Bestellung eines Titels zur Fortsetzung erhalten Sie diesen Titel sowie alle künftigen Titel der entsprechenden Reihe direkt nach Erscheinen zugesandt.
Ein weiterer Vorteil: Sie sparen rund 20 Prozent gegenüber der Einzelbestellung. Der Fortsetzungsbezug ist jederzeit kündbar - eine kurze Mitteilung an uns genügt!



History Teacher Education Facing the Challenges of Professional Development in in 21st Century

Blažena Gracová and Denisa Labischová: Undergraduate training of history teachers at Czech universities and prospects for future developments

Mare Oja: Development of the history teacher curriculum in Tallinn university: trends and challenges

Monika Vinterek, Debra Donnelly and Robert Thorp: Tell us about your nation’s past: Swedish and Australian preservice history teachers’ conceptualisation of their national history

Heather Sharp, Robert Parkes and Debra Donnelly: Competing discourses of national identity: History teacher education students’ perspectives of the Kokoda and Gallipoli campaigns

Eleni Apostolidou and Gloria Solé: The historical consciousness of students-prospective teachers: Greek and Portuguese aspects in the context of the current economic crisis

Angelos Palikidis, Giorgos Kokkinos, Andreas Andreou and Petros Trantas: War and violence in history teaching: An empirical analysis of future teachers’ perspectives in Greece

Jean Leonard Buhigiro and Johan Wassermann: Revealing professional development needs through drawings: The case of Rwandan history teachers having to teach the genocide against the Tutsi


Sara Zamir and Roni Reingold: History teaching curricula: Implications of implicit and explicit ethnocentric and multicultural educational policy in Israel

Dennis Röder: A forgotten global history of WWI: Prisoners of war and the role of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Ideas for the history classroom

Robert Thorp and Eleonore Törnqvist: Young children’s historical consciousness: A Swedish case study

Mario Resch and Manfred Seidenfuß: A taxonomic analysis of learning tasks in history lessons: Theoretical foundations and empirical testing


Author’s Index

Call for Papers


Andreas Andreou, PhD, Professor of History and Culture education in the Department of Primary Education, University of Western Macedonia, Greece. Main research interests: history education, local history and museum education, public history

Eleni Apostolidou, lecturer of History Didactis at the Department of Primary School Education of the University of Ioannina; Main research interests: history didactics in primary and secondary education, cognitive psychology, historical consciousness, historical culture, history of historiography, theory of history, public history, museums in teaching history

Jean Leonard Buhigiro, doctoral candidate in History Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, lecturer at the University of Rwanda, Rwanda; Main research interests: teaching controversial issues in history and history teaching in a post-conflict society

Debra Donnelly, PhD, senior lecturer School of Education, University of Newcastle, Australia; Main research interests: history education, history pedagogy, historical multi-modal texts and historical understanding, historical consciousness

Blažena Gracová, doc. PhDr., CSc., Associate Professor of History Didactics at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic; Main research interests: history textbooks, empirical research of historical consciousness, current forms of history education, ethnic stereotypes in relation to history teaching

Giorgos Kokkinos, PhD, Professor of History and History Didactics at the Department of Primary Education of Aegean University-Rhodes (Greece); Main research interests: history didactics, history of Holocaust and genocides, history of nazism and fascism, trauma studies, historical justice

Denisa Labischová, doc. PhDr., PhD, Associate Professor of History Didactics at the Pedagogical Faculty, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic; Main research interests: the European dimension in history teaching, visual media in history teaching, historical stereotypes, research of history textbooks, empirical research of historical consciousness

Mare Oja, PhD, lector of didactics at the School of Humanities at Tallinn University. Main research interests: curriculum development, assessment, history of education

Angelos Palikidis, PhD, Assistant Professor of History Didactics at the Department of History & Ethnology of Democritus University of Thrace (Greece); Main research interests: art history in history teaching, museum history education, history textbooks and curricula

Robert Parkes, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Curriculum Studies and Deputy Head of School, Teaching & Learning within the School of Education, University of Newcastle, Australia; Main research interests: historical theory and history education; historical consciousness and contemporary historical cultures; history teacher education; and curriculum history, theory and politics

Roni Reingold, PhD, senior lecturer and chair of Master of Teaching program in Graduate School, Achva Academic College, Israel; Main research interests: Multicultural Education; Teachers' Moral Courage; Teacher Education

Mario Resch, a secondary-school teacher at the Realschule Eberbach and Research Associate at the University of Education Heidelberg; Main research interests: the interdisciplinary research and offspring college EKoL in the areas of professionalization and skills development for teachers of history

Manfred Seidenfuß, PhD, Professor of History Didactics at the Heidelberg University of Education, editor of the series ‘Geschichtsdidaktik in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart’ (with Wolfgang Hasberg). Main research interests: analysis of schoolbooks, professionalization and skills development of history teachers, and the effects of history lessons

Heather Sharp, PhD, lecturer at the University of Newcastle, Australia; Main research interests: historical representations (including historical conflict trauma) in school curriculum, particularly textbooks, and written and visual texts in picture books that deal with conflict

Gloria Solé, Assistant Professor of the Department of Integrated Studies Literacy, Teaching and Supervision at the Institute of Education, University of Minho, (Braga, Portugal); Main research interests: history didactics in primary and secondary education, historical cognition, historical time, historical consciousness, history education, heritage education, textbooks

Robert Thorp, PhD, senior lecturer at Dalarna University and Stockholm University, Sweden; Main research interests: history didactical theory, textbooks and history education.

Eleonore Törnqvist, certified primary school teacher with a long experience of teaching in Swedish primary and secondary school.

Petros Trantas, PhD, expert in empirical research in social science and education; Main research interests: adult education and teachers’ education, quantitative and qualitative research in education

Monika Vinterek, PhD, professor of Educational Work and head of research of Education and learning at Dalarna University, Sweden; Main research interests: general questions of teaching and learning, didactics, history education, history pedagogy

Johan Wassermann, PhD, professor of History Education at the University of Pretoria and honorary professor of History Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Main research interests: teaching controversial issues in history, youth and history and history school textbook analysis

Sara Zamir, PhD, senior lecturer, Education & Administration, Achva Academic College and Ben Gurion University, Israel; Main research interests: sociology, political socialization, measurement and assessment in education

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Kulturelle und relgiöse Vielfalt und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Geschichtsunterricht
Yearbook 2013 of the International Society for History Didactics (ISHD), Board: S. Popp, A. Virta, O. Cardoso, M. Furrer, H. Haue, T. Haydn, Joanna Wojdon, editing manager of this issue: Ass. Prof. Dr. Joanna Wojdon, Uniwersytetu Wroclaw (Poland)
The 2012 conference of the International Society for History Didactics in Kazan was organized in cooperation with Centre of History and Theory of National Education, Institute of History under the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences thanks to the efforts of Marat Gibatdinov. Most articles in this volume are based on the papers presented there. They analyze different aspects of cultural and religious diversity and its impact on history education – one of the core topics in contemporary history didactics, but also in the public debate. Other articles (published in the ‘Varia’ section), originate from the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union ‘EHISTO – European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education’. ‘Yearbook – Jahrbuch – Annales’ presents current research, and the results of projects related to history didactics. As Susanne Popp, the previous editor of the journal, was elected president of the ISHD in 2011, Joanna Wojdon (from the University of Wrocław, Poland) took the position of the managing editor. Terry Haydn (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK) became a language editor. It makes the journal even more international than before. All the articles accepted for publication underwent rigorous double-blind peer-review process. This is the result of our continuous desire to strengthen the academic position of ‘Yearbook – Jahrbuch – Annales’, facilitate its recognition as a scholarly journal in the countries of our members (and eventually also Europe- and worldwide) and to open it for readers and contributors from outside of our Society. Different communication channels have been used to promote the call for contributions, including the H-Net platform and the new website of the International Society for History Didactics: www.ishd.co

24,80 €
History and Edutainment
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The 2015 issue of the Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics appears under the new title: International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture (JHEC). Its leading theme is “History and Edutainment”, i.e. a combination of history education and entertainment. Starting from the ‘traditional’ educational media, such as books and periodicals, the authors move to museums, songs, board and video games, movies, television shows and finish with more general reflections on the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating edutainment into the practice of teaching history, for learners and for teachers. The volume can be regarded as a voice in a broader debate on the reaction of school education on edutainment, and more generally, on public history where entertainment is so popular. In the Varia section readers can find the second part of the text on colonisation and decolonisation as presented in Belgian history textbooks (part I was published in 2014) and a presentation of the book that analyses the results of the Bologna process.

19,80 €
Nostalgia in Historical Consciousness and Culture / Developing Creative Interactions of Local, National and Global Topics of History Education
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture (JHEC) is the Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics. Its 2016 issue focuses on two main themes: Nostalgia in historical consciousness and culture and Developing creative interactions of local, national, and global topics of history education. The articles in both sections focus both on the theoretical concepts and on practical issues from various countries and research perspectives. The Forum section comes back to the themes of the past issues: colonialism and decolonization was the main topic of the Yearbook of 2014, while edutainment was discussed in 2015. The presentation of the use of mainstream historical films in the history classroom closes the volume.

19,80 €
Von der Geschichtswissenschaft zum Schulunterricht
Yearbook 2012 of the International Society for History Didactics (ISHD), Board: S. Popp, A. Virta, O. Cardoso, M. Furrer, H. Haue, T. Haydn, Joanna Wojdon, editing manager of this issue: Ass. Prof. Dr. Joanna Wojdon, Uniwersytetu Wroclaw (Poland)
Die Jahreskonferenz der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik (IGGD) fand im Jahr 2011 in Basel (CH) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Schweizerischen Dachorganisation der geschichtsdidaktischen Gesellschaften (SDGD) und dem Zentrum Politische Bildung und Geschichtsdidaktik an der Pädagogischen Hochschule der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz statt. Die Tagung, die von Elisabeth Erdmann, der Vorsitzenden der IGGD, in Zusammenarbeit mit Béatrice Ziegler (Fribourg, Aarau, CH) organisiert worden war, befasste sich mit dem Thema „Geschichtswissenschaft und Schulunterricht: Probleme, Beziehungen, Herausforderungen“ und wandte sich damit einem grundlegenden Forschungsanliegen der IGGD zu. Viele der Tagungsbeiträge sind in diesem Band versammelt. Aber auch einige der thematisch ungebundenen Artikel im „Forum“ unterstreichen die aktuelle Relevanz der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit der Transformation der Begriffe, Inhalte und Methoden der akademischen Disziplin in ein Schul- und Unterrichtsfach. Im 33. Jahrgang führt die Zeitschrift die erprobte Gliederung in drei Teile – „Fokus“, „Forum“, „Miszellen“ – fort. In diesem 33. Jahrgang (2012) wird unverändert der Beschluss des IGGD-Vorstandes umgesetzt, nur noch englische Artikel wiederzugeben, die jedoch von Zusammenfassungen in den drei Sprachen der IGGD – Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch – begleitet werden. Diese Maßnahme zeigte bereits recht gute Erfolge, was die internationale Wahrnehmung der Beiträge und die Aufnahme der Zeitschrift in gelistete internationale Journal-Aufstellungen betrifft.

22,80 €

International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education and History Culture

The Anthropocene and History Education
International Journal of History Education and Culture (IJHEC) 44/2023
The current issue of the International Journal of History Education and Culture (IJHEC) delves into the critical role of history education in the face of the Anthropocene, an era defined by human activity’s profound impact on the planet and its ecosystems. The issue builds upon a selection of papers presented at the ISHD conference that took place within the framework of the 23rd Congress of the International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH/ICHS) in Poznań, Poland, on 21–27 August 2022.

24,00 €
Why History Education?
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The 2022 issue of JHEC is focused on the topic “Why History Education” addressing the sense of history education in a contemporary world where it has to assert itself in the field of tension of power, economy and society, and to engage in the dialogue with the growing field of public history. Perspectives from Austria, Germany, Israel, Poland, South Africa, Ukraine and Zimbabwe are included. The highlight of the Varia section is the article on “Planungsmatrix”, in which Alois Ecker presents his innovative tool for designing teaching modules that skillfully combine first and second order historical concepts in the course of dialogical interaction between educator and students.

31,90 €
History Education 30 Years after the Cold War / History Education in Africa
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics (JHEC) is the official journal of the International Society for History Didactics. The journal is issued once a year and publishes peer reviewed papers in English. The abstracts are tri-lingual (English, French, German). The tradition of the journal goes back to the year 1980. The 2021 issue of JHEC has two leading topics: History education 30 years after the Cold War and History education in Africa. The post-Cold War section is formed by the articles referring to four European countries of the former Soviet bloc and a review of a book about a fifth one. The growing body of research on the process of decolonization and post-colonial education in Africa, but also on other issues related to studying and teaching about the past in that part of the world, is reflected in both the articles and book reviews, with contributions from African scholars. The topic of museums in history education, placed in the Varia section, is a recurring issue in didactical research but still worth re-visiting.

20,99 € - 22,90 €
History Education and Migration
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics (JHEC) is the official journal of the International Society for History Didactics. The journal is issued once a year and publishes peer reviewed papers in English. The abstracts are tri-lingual (English, French, German). The tradition of the journal goes back to the year 1980. The leading topic of 2020 issue of JHEC is Migration in History Education. Despite the fact that migrations have been part of human experience all over the world from the most ancient until the most recent times, the way they are dealt with in history education is often less than satisfactory, both in terms of teaching (any) history to immigrant children and of presenting (to all the students) migrations from the past. The model of “sedentary society” seems to be universally promoted by school. Current political debates dominate over critical historical research in shaping teaching units and the old schemata are hard to eradicate. The papers in the Forum section concentrate on the issues related to developments of contemporary history didactics and its impact on teachers’ practices in various social and national contexts of Africa, Europe and Australia. The book review section is expanding.   ** Mit der Bestellung eines Titels zur Fortsetzung erhalten Sie diesen Titel sowie alle künftigen Titel der entsprechenden Reihe direkt nach Erscheinen zugesandt.Ein weiterer Vorteil: Sie sparen rund 20 Prozent gegenüber der Einzelbestellung. Der Fortsetzungsbezug ist jederzeit kündbar - eine kurze Mitteilung an uns genügt!

19,90 € - 22,90 €
Historical Thinking
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
Developing historical thinking is becoming an overarching goal of history education, at least on the declarative level. The concept is not new and has been developed for many years in various national and international contexts. However, its scope and contents, and especially the methods of transferring it onto everyday school practice still remain work in progress for they involve major re-structuring of traditional ways of teaching. In this case, modernizing history education is not about incorporating new technologies but rather about developing new approaches to any and all resources used in the classroom and issues discussed in the process of history education. Some of the papers in this issue of JHEC address the issues posed by the use of films, museums, writing, and the introduction of local and regional history in history education.Starting from this year, JHEC launches its new section devoted to book reviews. It discusses publications related to history didactics and all aspects of historical culture and history education in the past and present, published in the recent years in the English language. ** Mit der Bestellung eines Titels zur Fortsetzung erhalten Sie diesen Titel sowie alle künftigen Titel der entsprechenden Reihe direkt nach Erscheinen zugesandt. Ein weiterer Vorteil: Sie sparen rund 20 Prozent gegenüber der Einzelbestellung. Der Fortsetzungsbezug ist jederzeit kündbar - eine kurze Mitteilung an uns genügt!

17,99 € - 22,90 €
History Didactics and Public History
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
Is history education part of public history? Can it profit from public history strategies of dealing with the public? How does it incorporate public history into the teaching-learning process? How does it deal with public history products, such as museum exhibitions, tours, history-related fiction and comic books, movies and games? Or maybe public history is a form of history didactics and can use its conceptual models in the process of developing its own? How are both related to academic history, to historical memory and culture and how do they influence them? These are just some questions addressed in the 2018 issue of JHEC "Public History and History Education". The Forum section provides snapshots on crucial topics of didactical research in selected countries: curricula, textbook production and contents, and school practice in the process of changes. The issue closes with the theoretical reflection by Wolfgang Hasberg on periodization in history and history education. ** Mit der Bestellung eines Titels zur Fortsetzung erhalten Sie diesen Titel sowie alle künftigen Titel der entsprechenden Reihe direkt nach Erscheinen zugesandt. Ein weiterer Vorteil: Sie sparen rund 20 Prozent gegenüber der Einzelbestellung. Der Fortsetzungsbezug ist jederzeit kündbar - eine kurze Mitteilung an uns genügt!

16,90 € - 19,90 €
History Teacher Education Facing the Challenges of Professional Development in the 21st Century
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The leading theme of this year’s issue of the International Journal of Research in History Didactics, History Education and History Culture (JHEC) is history teacher education in the changing world. The picture of initial teacher training in the world is heterogeneous, the existing situation is seldom regarded as satisfactory and, thus, changes are introduced almost instantly. The articles either present existing models of history teachers’ education or focus on its possible evolution on the basis of empirical research of the teacher-trainees. In doing so they present various methodologies of such research. They prove that not only the way of getting the empirical data is important, but also the focus of the analysis of raw material, the questions asked and the model(s) of interpretation used. Regardless of the methods used, the research results show that prospective history teachers represent rather traditional approaches to the past and to teaching history and their vision of the past in many cases seems to be no different from mainstream collective memory (or mythology). It opens broad perspectives for history didactics as an academic discipline. ** Mit der Bestellung eines Titels zur Fortsetzung erhalten Sie diesen Titel sowie alle künftigen Titel der entsprechenden Reihe direkt nach Erscheinen zugesandt. Ein weiterer Vorteil: Sie sparen rund 20 Prozent gegenüber der Einzelbestellung. Der Fortsetzungsbezug ist jederzeit kündbar - eine kurze Mitteilung an uns genügt!

17,99 € - 22,80 €
Nostalgia in Historical Consciousness and Culture / Developing Creative Interactions of Local, National and Global Topics of History Education
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture (JHEC) is the Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics. Its 2016 issue focuses on two main themes: Nostalgia in historical consciousness and culture and Developing creative interactions of local, national, and global topics of history education. The articles in both sections focus both on the theoretical concepts and on practical issues from various countries and research perspectives. The Forum section comes back to the themes of the past issues: colonialism and decolonization was the main topic of the Yearbook of 2014, while edutainment was discussed in 2015. The presentation of the use of mainstream historical films in the history classroom closes the volume.

19,80 €
History and Edutainment
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The 2015 issue of the Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics appears under the new title: International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture (JHEC). Its leading theme is “History and Edutainment”, i.e. a combination of history education and entertainment. Starting from the ‘traditional’ educational media, such as books and periodicals, the authors move to museums, songs, board and video games, movies, television shows and finish with more general reflections on the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating edutainment into the practice of teaching history, for learners and for teachers. The volume can be regarded as a voice in a broader debate on the reaction of school education on edutainment, and more generally, on public history where entertainment is so popular. In the Varia section readers can find the second part of the text on colonisation and decolonisation as presented in Belgian history textbooks (part I was published in 2014) and a presentation of the book that analyses the results of the Bologna process.

19,80 €