Aleksey Bushuev, PhD in historical sciences, senior research worker at the modernand contemporary history department at the Institute of History in the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Russia; Main research interests: history of contemporary Russia, socio-political activity and social processes among youth in Russia, mathematical methods in History; e-mail:
Elisabeth Erdmann, Dr. phil. habil., Prof. em. of history didactics at Erlangen-Nürnberg University, Honorary President of the International Society for History Didactics; Main research interests: visual literacy, textbook research, history didactics in international contexts, ancient history, archaeology; e-mail:
Katja Gorbahn, Dr. phil., assistant professor at the Department of Aesthetics and Communication at Aarhus University/Denmark; Main research interests: social identity constructions in history teaching, textbook analysis, memory studies, bilingual history teaching; e-mail:
Wolfgang Hasberg, Dr., professor of medieval History and the didactics of history at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Cologne, Germany; Main research interest: medieval history, historiography, theory and didactics of history; e-mail:
Terry Haydn, PhD., Professor of Education at the University of East Anglia, England; curriculum tutor for history education and lead author of Learning to teach history in the secondary school, a standard text for history student teachers in the UK; Main research interests: the history curriculum, the use of new technology in history teaching and in teacher education, and levels of behaviour in schools; email:
Karin Hiiemaa, Dr., lecturer at the Institute of History and Archaeology of the University of Tartu, Estonia; Main research interest: imagology, African studies; email:
Urte Kocka, Dr. phil., Taught history and philosophy at the Gymnasium until 2003 as well as didactic of history at the Free University of Berlin, 1997 until 2008; Main research interests: global history and bi-national history textbooks; e-mail:
Denisa Labischová, PhD., assistant professor of History Didactics at the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic; Main research interests: European dimension in history teaching, visual media in history teaching, historical stereotypes, research of history textbooks, empirical research of historical consciousness. e-mail:
Mare Oja, PhD. candidate, lector of didactics in the Institute of History in Tallinn University, scientific adviser of the history and civic laboratory of the Innovation Centre in Tallinn University; Main research interests: curriculum development, assessment, history of education; e-mail:
Joan Pagès Blanch, professor of Social Science Didactics in the the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, coordinator of the Research Group GREDICS (Grup de Recerca en Didàctica de les Ciències Socials), author of numerous articles, chapters of books and boocs which explore issues related to teaching and learning history and social science; e-mail:
Anu Raudsepp, Dr., lecturer of history didactics at the Institute of History and Archaeology of the University of Tartu, Estonia; Main research interests: national history of education, history didactics; e-mail:
Edda Sant Obiols, social studies teacher and research fellow (FPU, Spain Education Ministery fellows) in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, member of GREDICS, investigated and published specially in the areas of teaching and learning participation and women in social studies education; e-mail:
Antoni Santisteban Fernández, professor of social science didactics in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain); PI in the research project “The development of social and citizenship competence: current social issues and historical and social thinking” (EDU2009‐10 984) funded by Innovation and Science Spanish Ministry; e-mai:
Jutta Schumann, Dr. phil, research assistant at the University of Augsburg; Main research interests: textbook analysis, gender issues in history learning, historical culture, museum education; e-mail:
Robert Thorp, Ph. D. candidate at the University of Umeå and Dalarna University College in Sweden; worked for ten years as an upper secondary school teacher of history, philosophy and English; his research project focuses on how to use historical consciousness as a concept for analysing historical media; e-mail:
Helen Ting, PhD in political science, research fellow at the Institute of Malaysian and International Studies; Main research interests: social relations, identity and agency (in reference to nationalism, ethnicity, religion, gender), multiculturalism, history education, national identity, national integration, politics; e-mail:
Arja Virta, Dr.phil., professor of Didactics of History and Social Sciences at the Department of Teacher Education, Faculty of Education in the University of Turku, Finland. Main research interests: learning processes in history and social sciences, teacher education, multicultural education, and assessment; e-mail:
Joanna Wojdon, PhD. habil., associate professor at the University of Wrocław, Poland. Main research interests: new technologies and games in teaching/learning history, education and politics, history of education and propaganda in the Soviet bloc, textbook analysis with special interest in the reading primers, history of the Polish Americans; e-mail: