Facing – Mapping – Bridging Diversity
Foundation of a European Discourse on History Education Part 2
- herausgegeben von
- Elisabeth Erdmann, Wolfgang Hasberg
- unter Mitarbeit von
- Zdeněk Beneš, Carla van Boxte, Jóżef Brynkus, Luigi Cajani, George Cassar, Bruno De Wever, Elisabeth Erdmann, Karl Filser, Ágnes Fischer-Dárdai, Blažena Gracová, Maria Grever, Wolfgang Hasberg, Terry Haydn, Harry Haue, Jean-Louis Jadoulle, Valdis Klisans, Reinhard Krammer, Viliam Kratochvil, Dilek Latif, Daniel Lindmark, Ülle Luisk, Chara Makriyianni, Mihai Manea, Maria do Céu de Melo, Esko Nikander, Joaquim Prats, Charis Psaltis, Anu Raudsepp, Maria Repoussi, Carina Rönnqvist, Benediktas Šetkus, Piotr Trojański, Danijela Trškan, Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon, Rafael Valls, Paul Vandepitte, Yosanne Vella, Arja Virta
Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscap…
Bestellnummer: | 4732 |
EAN: | 9783899747324 |
ISBN: | 978-3-89974732-4 |
Format: | Broschur |
Reihe: | History Education international |
Erscheinungsjahr: | 2011 |
Seitenzahl: | 400 |
Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country.
Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.
Prefaceing Diversity – Prefaceing Diversity
2.12 Luigi Cajani
History Didactics in Italy
2.13 Valdis Klisans
National and European History in Latvia’s Schools
2.14 Benediktas Šetkus
Historical Education in Lithuania
2.15 George Cassar and Yosanne Vella
History Teaching in Malta
2.16 Carla van Boxtel and Maria Grever
Between disenchantment and high expectations History Education in the Netherlands (1968-2008)
2.17 Józef Brynkus and Pjotr Trojanski
Historical Education – Historcial Culture – History Didactics in Poland
2.18 Maria Céu de Melo
History Education in Portugal. A brief overview
2.19 Mihai Manea
Teaching History in post–1989 Romania
2.20 Viliam Kratochvil
History Teaching in the Slovak Republic
2.21 Danijela Trškan
History Teaching in Slovenia
2.22 Joaquín Prats and Raphael Valls
The Teaching of History in Spain. Current Situation
2.23 Daniel Lindmark and Corinna Ronnqvist
History Teaching in Sweden
2.24 Terry Haydn
History Teaching in the United Kingdom
3. Conclusion
Elisabeth Erdmann and Wolfgang Hasberg
Bridging Diversity. Towards a European Discourse on History Education
4. Authors