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Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.
Prefaceing Diversity – Prefaceing Diversity 1. Breakdown 1.1 Elisabeth Erdmann and Wolfgang HasbergMapping Diversity. Foundation of a European Discourse on History Education (Introduction) 1.2 Karl Filser „Unity and diversity of our European identity”. Recommendations of the European Council on History Learning and Teaching 2. Articles 2.1 Reinhard Krammer History Teaching in Austria 2.2 Bruno de Wever and Paul Vandepitte, Jean-Louis Jadoulle Historical Education and Didactics of History in Belgium 2.3 Chara Makriyianni, Charis Psaltis and Dilek Latif History Teaching in Cyprus 2.4 Blažena Gracová and Zdenĕk Beneš History Didactics in the Czech Republic 2.5 Harry Haue Historical Education in Denmark 2.6 Anu Raudsepp and Ülle Luisk Estonia 2.7 Arja Virta and Esko Nikander Historical Education, Historical Culture and the Didacticts of History in Finland 2.8 Nicole Tutiaux-Guillon French Paradox: Meaningful yet uncertain History Didactics 2.9 Elisabeth Erdmann and Wolfgang Hasberg Historical Culture, History Didactics and History Teaching in Germany 2.10 Maria Repoussi History Education in Greece 2.11 Ágnes Fischer-Dárdai The Teaching of History in Hungary at the Beginning of the 21th Century. Positions and Perspectives 2.12 Luigi Cajani History Didactics in Italy 2.13 Valdis Klisans National and European History in Latvia’s Schools 2.14 Benediktas Šetkus Historical Education in Lithuania 2.15 George Cassar and Yosanne Vella History Teaching in Malta 2.16 Carla van Boxtel and Maria Grever Between disenchantment and high expectations History Education in the Netherlands (1968-2008) 2.17 Józef Brynkus and Pjotr Trojanski Historical Education – Historcial Culture – History Didactics in Poland 2.18 Maria Céu de Melo History Education in Portugal. A brief overview 2.19 Mihai Manea Teaching History in post–1989 Romania 2.20 Viliam Kratochvil History Teaching in the Slovak Republic 2.21 Danijela Trškan History Teaching in Slovenia 2.22 Joaquín Prats and Raphael Valls The Teaching of History in Spain. Current Situation 2.23 Daniel Lindmark and Corinna Ronnqvist History Teaching in Sweden 2.24 Terry Haydn History Teaching in the United Kingdom 3. Conclusion Elisabeth Erdmann and Wolfgang Hasberg Bridging Diversity. Towards a European Discourse on History Education 4. Authors

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History Education international

History Teacher Education
Global Interrelations
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Facing – Mapping – Bridging Diversity
Foundation of a European Discourse on History Education Part 1
Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.

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Facing – Mapping – Bridging Diversity
Foundation of a European Discourse on History Education Part 2
Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.

46,80 €