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In 1999, in Bologna 29 Ministers of Sciences and Education signed a declaration wherein the standardization of the educational systems as well as the standardization of educational attainments in Europe were determined. Until today, the process of implementing the core requests of the Bologna Declaration is not yet finished in all parts of the Bologna area which currently includes 47 states. Therefore this volume collects the experiences made by the different participants in the Bologna process as well as by many other states. Experts from all over the world describe and analyse their experiences while implementing the ascertainment of the Bologna Declaration or while executing educational systems which include elements of the Bologna Declaration. In this way the anthology offers a valuable treasure of knowledge which can be helpful for realizing the goals for the Bologna Declaration regarding to history teacher education in Europe and in other parts of the globe.

Elisabeth Erdmann and Wolfgang Hasberg:  Bologna – A European or a Global Task? Introduction

1. History Teacher Education in the European Union

Arthur Chapman: University History Education and History Teacher Training in the United Kingdom

Ágnes Fischer-Dárdai and József Kaposi: The Correction of the Bologna Reform Process. Changes in the Training of History Teachers in Hungary

Elisabeth Erdmann and Wolfgang Hasberg: Bologna in Germany. History Teacher Education between Historical Culture and History Education

Viliam Kratochvil and Barnabás Vajda: History Didactics in the Slovak Republic

Maria Sánchez Agusti: The Teaching of History in Spain. Imbalances between History and History Didactics in the Training of History Teachers

Danijela Trškan: Development of History Teacher Education in Slovenia

Marie-Christine Baquès and Brigitte Morand: In France: Tense Times follow the Training Reform Upheaval

2. History Teacher Education in Europe

Ismail H. Demircioglu: History Teacher Education and History Education in Turkey

Alexander S. Khodnev: History Teacher Education in Russia

Vera Sperisen and Béatrice Ziegler: The Great Upheaval. Reform of History Teacher Education in Switzerland

3. History Teacher Education in a Global Perspective

Keith C. Barton: History Education and Teacher Preparation in the United States

Penney Clark, Stéphane Lévesque and Ruth Sandwell: Dialogue Across Chasms: History and History Education in Canada

Tim Allender: History Lessons from the Antipodes: Teaching History Didactics in Australia

Elize S. van Eeden: Studying History in South-Africa: Reflections of yesterday to face, map and bridge diversity today and tomorrow

Takahiro Kondo: Issues of History Education in Japan as seen in Teacher Education. Lost in Polarization of Historical Culture

4. Conclusion

Elisabeth Erdmann and Wolfgang Hasberg: Global Interrelations? Necessity and Fertility of  standardizing History Education

Wolfgang Hasberg (*1961), Univ.-Prof. Dr., Studies in History, Catholic Theology and Educational sciences at the University of Cologne and Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn; 1987 first, 1990 second examination for teaching in secondary schools, 1993 Doctorate at the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of Cologne; 1994-2000 assistant for Didactics of History at University Augsburg, 2000 Postdoctoral lecture qualification at University Augsburg; Senior Assistant Professor at University Augsburg; 2000-02 Substitution of the Chair for the Didactics of History at the University of Leipzig; since 2002 Professor for Medieval History and the Didactics of History at the University of Cologne. Elisabeth Erdmann (*1942), Professor emeritus Dr., Studies in History and Latin at the University of Tübingen; 1965 first, 1967 second examination for teaching in secondary schools, Doctorate at the University of Konstanz in Ancient History 1971, academic employee at Konstanz University 1969-1973 for the excavations in Old-Paphos/Cyprus. 1967-1968 and 1973-1975 grammar school teacher, 1975-1993 assistant, then Oberstudienrätin at the Pedagogical University of Freiburg i. Br. for Ancient History and History Didactics, habilitation in History Didactics at Dortmund University 1991, guest professor for History Didactics at Humboldt University Berlin 1993-1994, since 1994 until 2007 chair for History Didactics at Erlangen-Nürnberg University.

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Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.

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Facing – Mapping – Bridging Diversity Part 1 & 2
Foundation of a European Discourse on History Education
Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.

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Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.

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