Zu "Arja Virta" wurden 8 Titel gefunden

Researching History Education
International Perspectives and Disciplinary Traditions
Any attempt to improve history education depends on a sound knowledge of its current state as well as of possible alternatives. Aiming to broaden nationally limited educational discourse, this book brings together twelve perspectives on history education research from across Europe and America. With a focus on empirical research, each chapter outlines national as well as disciplinary traditions, discusses findings and methodology and generates perspectives for future research, thus allowing insight into remarkably rich and diverse academic traditions. Since the publication of the first edition of this book, empirical research on historical thinking and learning has intensified and diversified. Therefore, each chapter was revised and extensively updated for this second edition. In order to adequately reflect the ever-growing field of research, several authors chose to bring on a coauthor for the updated version of their paper. Additionally, a new introduction provides a comparative perspective on the chapters contained in this volume.

31,99 € - 39,90 €
Nostalgia in Historical Consciousness and Culture / Developing Creative Interactions of Local, National and Global Topics of History Education
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture (JHEC) is the Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics. Its 2016 issue focuses on two main themes: Nostalgia in historical consciousness and culture and Developing creative interactions of local, national, and global topics of history education. The articles in both sections focus both on the theoretical concepts and on practical issues from various countries and research perspectives. The Forum section comes back to the themes of the past issues: colonialism and decolonization was the main topic of the Yearbook of 2014, while edutainment was discussed in 2015. The presentation of the use of mainstream historical films in the history classroom closes the volume.

19,80 €
History and Edutainment
International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, and History Culture. Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics
The 2015 issue of the Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics appears under the new title: International Journal of Research on History Didactics, History Education, And History Culture (JHEC). Its leading theme is “History and Edutainment”, i.e. a combination of history education and entertainment. Starting from the ‘traditional’ educational media, such as books and periodicals, the authors move to museums, songs, board and video games, movies, television shows and finish with more general reflections on the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating edutainment into the practice of teaching history, for learners and for teachers. The volume can be regarded as a voice in a broader debate on the reaction of school education on edutainment, and more generally, on public history where entertainment is so popular. In the Varia section readers can find the second part of the text on colonisation and decolonisation as presented in Belgian history textbooks (part I was published in 2014) and a presentation of the book that analyses the results of the Bologna process.

19,80 €
Kulturelle und relgiöse Vielfalt und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Geschichtsunterricht
Yearbook 2013 of the International Society for History Didactics (ISHD), Board: S. Popp, A. Virta, O. Cardoso, M. Furrer, H. Haue, T. Haydn, Joanna Wojdon, editing manager of this issue: Ass. Prof. Dr. Joanna Wojdon, Uniwersytetu Wroclaw (Poland)
The 2012 conference of the International Society for History Didactics in Kazan was organized in cooperation with Centre of History and Theory of National Education, Institute of History under the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences thanks to the efforts of Marat Gibatdinov. Most articles in this volume are based on the papers presented there. They analyze different aspects of cultural and religious diversity and its impact on history education – one of the core topics in contemporary history didactics, but also in the public debate. Other articles (published in the ‘Varia’ section), originate from the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union ‘EHISTO – European history crossroads as pathways to intercultural and media education’. ‘Yearbook – Jahrbuch – Annales’ presents current research, and the results of projects related to history didactics. As Susanne Popp, the previous editor of the journal, was elected president of the ISHD in 2011, Joanna Wojdon (from the University of Wrocław, Poland) took the position of the managing editor. Terry Haydn (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK) became a language editor. It makes the journal even more international than before. All the articles accepted for publication underwent rigorous double-blind peer-review process. This is the result of our continuous desire to strengthen the academic position of ‘Yearbook – Jahrbuch – Annales’, facilitate its recognition as a scholarly journal in the countries of our members (and eventually also Europe- and worldwide) and to open it for readers and contributors from outside of our Society. Different communication channels have been used to promote the call for contributions, including the H-Net platform and the new website of the International Society for History Didactics: www.ishd.co

24,80 €
Facing – Mapping – Bridging Diversity
Foundation of a European Discourse on History Education Part 1
Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.

46,80 €
Facing – Mapping – Bridging Diversity Part 1 & 2
Foundation of a European Discourse on History Education
Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.

85,00 €
Facing – Mapping – Bridging Diversity
Foundation of a European Discourse on History Education Part 2
Aim of the first volume of History Education international (HEint) is the foundation of a European discourse on history education. Based on the German understanding of history didactics authors from 25 states of the European Union describe the scientific discourse on history education in their country. Facing the situation of organisation and research on history education is a basic condition for understanding. Mapping this situation is the conclusion of facing the diversity. Reading the articles of more than 35 authors all over Europe it is amazing to observe how again and again new landscapes of history didactics come in existence. For that reason the findings are summarised by a systematic approach, whereby the landscapes of several discourses on history education in Europe can be drawn. Bridging diversity may be successful on this basis.

46,80 €
Geschichtsunterricht im politischen Kreuzfeuer
Yearbook 2008/9 of the International Society for History Didactics (ISHD), Board: S. Popp, A. Virta, O. Cardoso, M. Furrer, H. Haue, T. Haydn, Joanna Wojdon, editing manager of this issue: Prof. Dr. Susanne Popp, Universität Augsburg (Germany)
Die Jahrestagung der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Geschichtsdidaktik (IGGD) im Jahre 2007, die auf freundliche Einladung von Frau Professorin Frau Dr. Maria Repoussi an der Aristoteles Universität Thessaloniki (Griechenland) stattfand, war dem Thema „Öffentlicher Gebrauch von Geschichte“ gewidmet. Ein thematischer Schwerpunkt befasste sich, wie es der Titel dieses Zeitschriftenbandes „Geschichtsunterricht im politischen Kreuzfeuer“ anzeigt , mit einem Phänomen, das eine wachsende Anzahl von Staaten betrifft: politi-sche Konflikte über die Inhalte und Ziele des nationalen Geschichtsunterrichts, die mit großem öffentlichen Interesse und hoher affektiver Beteiligung der breiten Bevölkerung ausgetragen werden. Dabei handelt es sich nicht in jedem Fall, jedoch immer öfter um politische Vorstöße, die von konservativer Seite im Namen von „Patriotismus“ und „nationaler Identität“ unternommen werden, um historische Auffassungen zurückzudrängen, die als zu liberal oder als „masochistisch“ verurteilt werden. Diese Vorwürfe zielen vor allem auf einen Geschichtsunterricht, der die Geschichte aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven betrachtet, Toleranz betont und zur Auseinandersetzung mit den belastenden Erinnerungen der nationalen Vergangenheit auffordert. Im 29./30. Jahrgang zeigt diese Zeitschrift eine neue Gliederung in zwei Teile: zuerst die Beiträge zu einem thematischen Schwerpunkt und sodann ein „Forum“, das Artikel zu unterschiedlichen aktuellen Themen versammelt. Wir hoffen, dass es zukünftig auch einen dritten Teil geben wird, der wieder Rezensionen von internationalen Neuerscheinungen auf dem Gebiet der wissen-schaftlichen Didaktik der Geschichte präsentiert. Englisch, Deutsch und Französisch, die Konferenzsprachen der IGGD, sind auch in diesem Zeitschriftenheft präsent. Abschließend soll darauf hingewiesen werden, dass die Beiträge der Zeitschrift der IGGD bis zum Jahr 2000 im Internet zugänglich sind unter http://www.int-soc-hist-didact.org/publications.html. SP/JS

19,80 €