Marie-Christine Baquès, teaches didactics and theory of historiography in the department of history and geography at the Instituts Universitaries de Formation des Maîtres (IUFM) of the University Blaise Pascal in Clermont-Ferrand (France); main research interests: study of history textbooks, links between art, images and history and history of French Revolution
Susanne Popp, Dr. phil., professor of history didactics at the University of Augsburg, Germany; main research interests: world history and national curricula, visual literacy in history teaching, readability of history textbooks
Luigi Cajani, teaches Modern History at the Facoltà di Scienze Umanistiche of the Università La Sapienza in Rome; main research interests: history didactics; historiography of World History; history of crime and criminal justice in Italy during the Ancien Régime; German-Italian relations during World War II
Oldimar Cardoso, Dr. phil., textbook author in Brazil; main research interests: scientific spreading magazines, history didactics field research, history teachers' training, readability of history schoolbooks
Théodora Cavoura, PhD, lecturer on history didactics, faculty of Philosophy at the University of Athens, Greece; main research interests: learning and teaching history, memory and history, development of educational software in history
Charles Heimberg, Dr. ès Lettres (History), privat-docent of history didactics at the University of Geneva, Switzerland; main research interests: social history, his-tory didactics, public uses of history
William Leadbetter, PhD, senior lecturer in Education at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, and Principal Policy Officer (Heritage) to the Western Australian Minister for Heritage; main research interests: the politics of history teaching; history teaching in the Primary School; history as affective study; the didactics of Ancient History; the teaching of World History
Antonis Liakos, PhD, professor at the History Department of the University of Athens, board of the European Doctorate in Social History, editorial group of the review Historein, board of the International Commission of History and Theory of Historiography, participates to the European Science Foundation network National Histories in Europe (NHIST)
Maria Repoussi, Dr. phil., associate professor of History and History Education at the School of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; main research interests: history education, theory of history, women’s movements in Europe and the world
Mari Carmen Rodríguez, Master ès Lettres (History), University of Lausanne (Switzerland). Doctorate in process, Universities of Oviedo (Spain) and Fribourg (Switzerland); also teaching History in Secondary School (Nyon-Switzerland); main research interests: public uses of history, national identities, Spain, Switzerland, franquism, Republic, education, tourism, politic, economic and cultural history
Winfried Schulze, professor emeritus for Early Modern History; Director of the Center for Advanced Studies in Munich; main research interests: Early Modern History, history and methodology of history science
Arja Virta, professor of History and Social Studies Education Didactics in the Department of Teacher Education at University of Turku, Finland; main research interests: learning and teaching of history and social studies, students’ historical thinking, and most recently: intercultural teaching of history