Senior Lecturer in History Education at the University of Education Winneba,
Ghana. Her main research interests include Historical Education with special
focus on teaching and learning history, Curriculum Development and Evaluation.
BARSCH, Dr., is Professor of the Didactics of History at the University of
Cologne, Germany. His research focuses on inclusive history education, material
culture, and disability history.
BENZIGER, Ph. D. is a Professor of History at Rhode Island College. Main
research interests: History and Memory, Cold War, Hungary, Civil Rights, Global
History, and History Education.
MMag. Dr., Associate Professor at the Department of Contemporary History and
the Department of subject-specific Education of the University of Innsbruck.
Main research interests: historical-political learning, out-of-school learning
Dr., Professor of Psychology at the Zurich University of Teacher Education in
Zurich, Switzerland. Main research interests: quantitative research methods;
educational psychology, motivation.
MESTRAL, Dr. in History Didactics and History of Education at the University of
Geneva and the University of Teacher Education in Lausanne, Switzerland. Main
research interests: transformation of school knowledge in history from a
didactic and historical point of view, programs and textbook analysis, gender
DOUSSOT, Dr., Professor of History Didactics at the Institut National Supérieur
du Professorat et de l’Education of Nantes University, France. Main research
interests: the relationship between teaching and learning history, and the
didactic training of teachers, within the theoretical framework of learning by
ELOUNDOU, Doctorate in History from the University of Hamburg, Germany.
Associate Professor of History and Teacher Trainer at the Higher Teacher
Training College University of Yaoundé 1. Main research interests: The history
of Cameroon under German colonization and history didactics.
ERDMANN, Prof. Dr. phil. habil., until 2007 Chair of the Didactics of History
at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, from 2001–2011 President of the
International Society for the Didactics of History, since 2011 Honorary
President. Main fields of work: Didactics of History, Ancient History,
Dr., Professor of History Didactics at the University of Teacher Education in
Lausanne, Switzerland. Main research interests: teaching and learning practices
in history; relations between memory, history and identity; oral history and
critical thinking.
Prof. em. Dr., until 2022 Professor for History and the Didactics of History at
the Lucerne University of Teacher Education/Switzerland, PD at the University
of Fribourg. Main research interest: Contemporary History, Oral History and the
Use of History.
GAUTSCHI, Dr. phil., is Professor of History Education at the Lucerne University
of Teacher Education/Switzerland, where he also is the Head of the Lucerne
Institute for History Education and Public History. His research focuses on
history education, public history, and curriculum and textbooks development.
Dr. phil., Associate Professor at the School of Communication and Culture at
Aarhus University, Denmark. Main research interests: textbook analysis, history
didactics and second language acquisition, identity constructions in historical
narratives, digital analysis methods.
Dr., graduated from Tartu University as a historian and a teacher of history
and civics. More recently he has conducted a number of sociological studies and
designed the main sociological concepts into a system. He has used this system
in his teaching and research on civic education and curriculum development in
Estonia and Europe.
HASBERG, Dr., Professor for Mediaeval History and History Didactics at the
University of Cologne, Germany. Main research interests: Medieval History,
Historiography, Regional History, Theory and Didactics of History.
PhD, is Emeritus Professor of Education at the University of East Anglia, UK.
His research interests are the purposes of school history, the use of new
technology in history education, and issues relating to values and dispositions
in the teaching of history.
is currently a Lecturer of History and History Didactics at Kiel University. His
research focuses on global history as well as environmental and Anthropocene
M.Ed., is a Lecturer in History Education in the School of Education, University
of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. Main research interests: history
textbooks, interdisciplinarity of history, information and communication
technology in history.
PhD, is a Professor at the Gyeongin National University of Education, South
Korea. Her current research interests includes teaching and learning
controversial history and difficult history, teaching history and heritage in
museums, and public history and digital history literacy.
KAUFMANN, Dr., Professor Associate of History Didactics at the University of
Teacher Education in Lausanne, Switzerland. Main research interests: teaching
and learning practices in history; textbook analysis and history of education;
use of digital technology and the place of public history in education.
LAMASSOURE, alumnus of the ENA (National School of Administration), Magistrate
at the French Court of Auditors, Mayor of Anglet, France, Member of the French
National Assembly (1986 – 1993), Minister for European Affairs, then Budget
Minister (1993 – 1997). Member of the European Parliament (1999 – 2019).
Chairman of the Budgets Control Committee, then of the Budgets Committee and of
the temporary Committee on Tax Avoidance. Member of the Convention on the
Future of Europe (2002 – 2003). President of the Governing Board of the
Observatory of History Teaching in Europe (2021).
PhD, Professor of History and Social Studies Education in the Faculty of
Educational Sciences at the University of Turku, Finland. Main research
interests: history education, social studies education, moral education, teacher
NDOBEGANG MBAPNDAH, Ph.D., Senior High School Teacher Trainer and Associate
Professor of African Political and Social History, University of Yaounde 1,
Cameroon. Former Member of the Cameroon Parliament. Main research interests:
Cameroon Social and Political history, history didactics, heritage studies.
MKHABELA, M.Ed., is a lecturer in Social Sciences Education in the School of
Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, in Durban South Africa. Main research
interests: Teaching controversial issues, historical inequalities, and issues
of land.
METZGER, Dr. phil., Professor of History and Co-director of the Centre of
Democracy Education and Human Rights at the St. Gallen University of Teacher
Education, Switzerland; Main research interests: antisemitism, inclusion-exclusion,
fascism, decolonization, Switzerland in the interwar period.
OPPONG is an Associate Professor in History Education at the University of Cape
Coast, Ghana. His primary research areas of interest include History Education,
Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation.
PhD., Historian and Educator in the Department of Education of the Institute
for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Czech Republic. Main research interests:
cultures of memory in history education, public history, and the relationship
between civics and history education.
VAJDA, Dr. habil. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education of J. Selye
University, Komárno, Slovakia. Main fields of interest: international relations
in the Cold War, history of Radio Free Europe, and history didactics, including
research on history school textbooks.
DOORSSELAERE has been active as a history teacher in secondary education in
Flanders since 2011. He holds Master’s degrees in History (2013) and Art
Sciences and Archaeology (2020) and is currently conducting PhD research at
Ghent University.
NIEUWENHUYSE, PhD, is Associate Professor of History Didactics at Leuven
University (Belgium). Main research interests related to history education are
the position of the present, the use of historical sources, the links between
historical narratives and identification and between historical thinking and
civic attitudes, and representations of colonial pasts.
WASSERMANN, D.Phil., is an Honorary Professor in History Education in the
School of Education, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. Main
research interests: youth and history, teaching controversial issues in history
in the African context, history textbooks in the African context.
PhD, Professor of History at the University of Wrocław, Poland. Main research
interests: history didactics, public history, Polish American history, history
of propaganda and education under communist regime.